
No name inspires despair more than that of Judas, the name associated with betrayal; Judas Iscariot betrayed the Christ to the Jewish authorities. His name evokes namesakes, such as the Judas goat, which is a goat that leads other goats and sheep to slaughter, while its own life is spared. And while other traitors were reviled through history: Ephialtes betrayed Sparta; Brutus, deceiver of Caesar; Guy Fawkes, attempted bomber of King James I and the House of Lords; and Benedict Arnold, traitor to the Continental Army, no one else equals the infamy of Judas.

There are facts that always follow betrayal. One, it’s not a victimless crime, there are numerous casualties. Two, Deceivers always become the deceived; those cowards who led from behind often leave the betrayer to the mob’s anger and the judgment of history. Three, Deceivers can be either gender, any race, or any age; they have a propensity for being deaf to discussion.

Greta Thunberg, the climate activist, is like a Judas goat leading her climate change deceived army to defeat. Greta betrayed her own generation, not in her push for right (as she thinks she sees it), but in furthering the wrong. For years, the young 20-year-old has convinced many that mankind is destroying society’s future, that this evil lays on those she disagrees with. Her reach is impressive for one so young, but she only others mimics while possessing an unhealthy disrespect for adults. Furthermore, Greta’s grown up in the public domain; the once chubby-cheeked young teen’s veneer is becoming mottled.

President Biden recently committed his presidential cabinet’s departments to … environmental justice? What does environmental justice mean? Per Meriam-Webster: Environmental, adjective, “the circumstance, objects, or conditions by which one is surrounded;” Justice, noun, “the maintenance or administration of what is just especially by the impartial adjustment of conflicting claims or the assignment of merited rewards or punishments.” While these two words placed side-by-side may sound impressive, they don’t mean anything. There’s no Environmental In-justice. The phrase discredits our laws, generates false scenarios, and disqualifies unprejudiced dialogs. Environmental justice is word salad; it signifies nothing. If Greta exploits this, then it speaks to her ignorance and that of her followers.

Technologies Greta promotes are much older than she is; they’ve been around for decades. For instance, Windmills destroy more feathered creatures than any duck blind or scattershot. Winged prey and predator alike litter the ground surrounding the windmills because they can’t see the blade coming or run into it at night, falling stunned to their deaths or are simply pummeled. And what of land mammals, both above and below ground? They’re affected by windmill tremors as kinetic energy is transmitted into the ground.

Offshore windmills disrupt the oceans’ natural rhythms with vibrations. People can’t see or feel these vibrations, so they’re ignored, but they upset ocean mammal and fish migratory patterns, especially if the blades are slightly out of balance. How will migratory disruptions affect their food sources or their predators, such as sharks? Will these corollaries be evident when they seek new prey around vacation beaches or commercial fishing locations? How many whales have beached for unknown reasons?

And what of aviation? When I recently passed wind-driven generator fields in Kansas, I observed several towers inadequately lit in the predawn hours; their anti-collision light (ACL) system was not working. Furthermore, the blade wingtips were not illuminated or reflective for pilots to see when the blades were either moving or static. With 100-foot blade lengths – Circumference = 2πRadius – there was a 628 square-foot wide circumference around each tower ACL that was invisible in the dark.

A windmill’s fiberglass blade’s useful life is 25 years. As many as 8000 100-foot composite blades will be decommissioned over the next few years in the United States alone. Fiberglass takes centuries to break down; they don’t recycle and are usually buried. To use them as artificial reefs or submerge them in the ocean would have unknown environmental consequences. Who profits from windmills, except those who sell them? Is that why windmill manufacturers strongly promote the climate change agenda? The profits?

To be clear, Greta’s charm is gone. She’s no longer the doe-eyed innocent who told off the United Nations with her mewling, “How dare you …” speech. [YAWN!] She no longer cows timid leaders, like Prime Minister Trudeau or Prince Charles, who look awkward in her presence, as if they suffered severe intestinal gas pains during the photo op. But then, what young child wouldn’t jump at being world renowned or rub elbows with the rich and famous? What kid wouldn’t want a seat at the adults’ table away from the little kids’ table? How many children her age would pass up on being jetted across the world, put up in the best accommodations, while eating the best Happy Meals?

Like other climate change charlatans, Greta learns from people like former Vice President Al Gore, the wooden climate fearmonger, who possesses convenient powers of invisibility and deafness. Or Klaus Schwab, the German engineer/Great Reset manipulator whose glum mien is like Bond villain, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, if he were played by Elmer Fudd. These guys aren’t respected simply because they’ve been unmasked as manipulators. Gore, Schwab, Gates, can (and will) hide within their impenetrable mansions, protected from the vengeful populations until they die. Greta has no such refuge.

As Greta loses her gullible audience, she does what all has-been activists do: Manipulate. At her recent quote-quote arrest, she ‘arranged’ the policemen for the cameras so she could look brave when filmed by a complicit media. When reporters tried to interview her among a group of Greta-wannabes, she dodged left when a reporter stepped right, maneuvering another female activist between her and the microphone. Instead of making a case, she smirked condescendingly and giggled nervously like a child.

Greta’s Swiss Miss look, or her Shirley Temple pluckiness, won’t work anymore; she’s too old. Even the climate doesn’t cooperate with Ms. Thunberg, so much so she’s forced to delete her own social media postings that contradict with her revised beliefs. Greta’s ‘solutions’ harm the planet. Her climate activists’ juvenile decisions to throw soup on paintings aren’t viewed as strategies, they’re seen as tantrums.

The present administration has embraced green technologies, pushing against traditional energy sources, such as coal, propane, and oil, among others. The Energy secretary is driving the military to adopt electric powered equipment. It would cost trillions to convert the military to electrical. While fighter aircraft are (hopefully) years from operating electrically, the thought of lithium battery-powered tanks and ships will concern anyone who understands the seriousness of these ideas. Our enemies could – would – disable all fighting equipment by employing electro-magnetic pulses. Would the US Army Corp of Engineers build charging stations in advance of land troops? What source would they ‘plug into’? Would capturing solar panel farms be the priority? Would they use diesel-powered generators?

Solar panel farms themselves create new havocs. They take up acres of land; they require harsh chemicals to clean. The solvents are washed off and absorbed into surrounding lands and flushed into water reservoirs. Do solar panels represent a visual hazard to aircraft? The Sun reflecting off solar panel fields can cause a harsh glare. How many government departments bought heavily into the solar panel market, then ignored the maintenance requirements to continue the installations’ effectiveness.

While many naïve and impressionable doomsayers have lauded Greta’s Ouija board forecasts, they ignored prominent weather specialists, such as Weather Channel founder, John Coleman, who said, “Global Warming is a fictional, manufactured crisis and a total scam.” Or that Doctor Judith Curry, a renowned climatologist, publisher of over 140 scientific papers, stated unquestioningly that climate change is a hoax. “… Thinking that we can control the climate is misguided hubris.” Just like with the CØVID vaççines, where prominent doctors in their medical field were ignored, we continue to wrap ourselves with false senses of security. These misperceptions are now proving to be self-inflicted wounds because many chose to believe a has-been politician, a self-involved engineer, and a little girl.

The drive to quickly introduce alternate fuels will be both a safety and costly mistake. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is finally getting their arms around jet fuel and AvGas safety issues, under different conditions and environments. Will alternate fuels be rushed to market? Will fuel controls, gaskets, seals, certain alloys, etc. create problems being adapted to the new fuels? What about our military fighters and air fleets? Will they be properly tested? Or will those pushing the agenda destroy our military response capability because a little girl said we should?

And what about ETOPs? Will Title 14 code of federal regulations §121.374: Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program (CAMP) for two-engine ETOPs cause delays in the alternate fuel transition? ETOPs – Extended twin-engine operations – required a special regulation that, “In order to conduct an ETOPS flight using a two-engine airplane, each certificate holder must develop and comply with the ETOPS continuous airworthiness maintenance program, as authorized in the certificate holder’s operations specifications …” How long to test the new fuels under all conditions?

To borrow Al Gore’s movie title, this is an “Inconvenient Truth.” Technologies were developed over decades to design engines with such a high reliability that an airliner can operate on one operable engine for 120 minutes (2 hours), 180 minutes (3 hours), 240 minutes (4 hours) and – in some cases – up to 330 minutes (5-1/2 hours) from the nearest airport while flying over the ocean. Will those technologies need to be confirmed … again? Will testing and proving of these technologies return to Day One since the alternate fuel reliabilities are unproven under all ETOPs conditions? Will technologies introduced into fuel controls, fuel pumps, transfer pumps, capacity measuring harnesses and probes go through many redesigns after the fuels reach the approval point? The money each airline spends in redesigns will be astronomical; alternate fuel transitions will cost billions of dollars … unless, of course, the airlines and FAA use less ethical ways around the required testing and proving.

What infuriates aviation industry professionals is when our industry is destroyed by the clueless, the miserable, the radical. Criminalizing aviation professionals for advancing mankind’s best interests is repugnant. It is why we dismiss the anti-safety opinions of elites who can’t even appreciate the concept of Bernoulli’s Principle. They should be pitied.

Expectations are premeditated resentments.” In his book, Great Expectations, Charles Dickens tried to put this concept into story. True happiness isn’t about building up expectations because they inevitably disappoint. If your expectations are founded in the destruction of others’ lives, then you are doomed to failure; you’ll just take a long time to realize it. Expectations from other fallacies, like forced vaççine mandates to gender identification suffocated from selfishness because people ceased to care.

Expectations won’t guarantee bright, eco-friendly results simply because people like Greta and her Eco-keteers demand them. Will they come to realize their error met with failure or will Greta continue her battle ad nauseum? Is it even fair to equate Greta Thunberg to Judas Iscariot, the most reviled human in history? Yes, because we need to put her actions into perspective. She’s given credibility to the climate change fuss and Schwab’s Great Reset. When all these agendas start to collapse under their own weight, Greta will find herself alone. Even a Judas goat runs out of victims.

But for his unfortunate life choice, Judas Iscariot may have lived a fruitful life, free to pursue any ends he wished. Instead, he ended up at the end of a rope, shunned and unable to reconcile what he had done, thrown away by the authorities who befriended him. Judas regretted the 30 pieces of silver he was paid, the value of a slave’s death and burial in the Old Testament. What were Greta’s silver pieces? Who did she trust? And will they comfort her when her generation discovers her betrayal?

However, just as the Christ survived his Judas, we will survive betrayal. The truth is that Truth will overcome. No one is smart enough to destroy Truth; it will outlive us all. What is the Truth? Stick around, Truth is making a comeback in a BIG way.


Years Of Service


Echoes of Andersonville